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What "Levelling Up" Means To Me


When Ciara dropped the single "Level Up", we were all dancing to it in our kitchens, bedrooms and living rooms. I don't know about you but for those 3 minutes and 31 seconds, I was levelling all the way up! At last, I felt that we finally have a song that encapsulates what it means to upgrade to an elevated lifestyle.

For Ciara levelling up meant a relationship upgrade which resulted in her marrying, the handsome, Russell Wilson. For you levelling up might mean getting more focused on your goals and manifesting the life of your dreams.


Some of you may recall that we recently had a poll on Instagram stories, asking "Why do you follow me?". We had some very insightful responses - thank you! One of the things that caught my attention was the numerous responses saying, "your luxury lifestyle content". Some of you gave very detailed responses about this and it got me thinking about what levelling up means to me:

1. Levelling up means overall self-improvement

Getting a mentor or coach is a great way to start, as this will assist you in reaching your goals. This doesn’t have to be expensive, if you’re reading this post it means that you have access to the internet. The internet provides multiple opportunities for mentorship through social media platforms such as YouTube or Instagram.

Gone are the days when Instagram was just for posting about your new boyfriend or your new pair of Jimmy Choo’s.

If you’re a fan of Oprah’s wisdom, you can follow her on Instagram. The same can be said for the likes of Simon Sinek, Gary Vee, Jay Shetty and many others. At team Effortlessly Sarah, reading is another way that we gain mentors. Reading the books of authors such as Ray Dalio and Robin Sharma gives us a glimpse into the mindset that produces greatness.

2. Levelling up means knowing what you want and being bold enough to ask for it

One of my favourite sayings is:

"You don't get what you deserve, you get what you are willing to accept."

This is true for business negotiations, romantic relationships, and friendships. Ladies, life is too short to settle. If you’re constantly putting your best foot forward and not reaping the rewards, that you need, it’s time to switch things up. The people that make the most significant changes in their lives, are the people that decide to.


It’s time to get clear on what you want and develop the boldness to ask for exactly that.

3. Levelling up means creating healthy boundaries

In multiple interviews Ciara has detailed what her life was like prior to her relationship with Russell Wilson. She’s talked about the challenges of becoming a single mother after a toxic relationship and how that helped her develop better boundaries. In the last blog post we also spoke about how women have the tendency to constantly put others before themselves. Sometimes this is needed, but do you know what else is needed? Boundaries.

Healthy boundaries allow you to be accepting of others without selling yourself short. Creating boundaries is as easy as setting out what you will and won’t except from the people in your life.

Do you have a girlfriend that only wants to talk about herself for hours on the phone?

If so, it might be a good idea to establish a specific amount of time that you will talk with her during the week and keep at it at that.

Are people constantly taking your kindness for granted?

If so, healthy boundaries might look like distancing yourself from people that always take but never give.

Boundaries are the secret to peace of mind and the cornerstone of emotional wellbeing.

4. Levelling up means improving your financial literacy


There is so much talk nowadays about "securing the bag" on social media, that it always makes me wonder what happens next:

What happens after you secure the bag?

What happens after you get that salary increase?

What happens after your business makes six-figures?

Do you know what to do with that money?

Here at team Effortlessly Sarah, we are passionate about improving financial literacy, as a means of self-care. It is essential to know:

What your financial goals are for the next 12 months,

Your monthly income and expenditures and,

How you can create investments that support you later in life.

To help you in your financial literacy journey, we’ll be holding an Investing talk on Instagram Live next month, so do keep your eyes peeled and make sure to follow Effortlessly Sarah on Instagram, if you aren’t already.

Take action!

Ladies, this week I encourage you to choose the 3 closest people to you and evaluate what your boundaries are with them. Does anything need to change? If so, you know what to do. Let's level up!

Written by Faith O.

Contributing writer for Effortlessly Sarah

2 comentários

Snethemba Phiri
Snethemba Phiri
22 de fev. de 2021

This is educational. Thank you.


21 de fev. de 2021

Thank you for the priceless advices, beautifully written. It is never enough to be reminded of the levelling up journey as sometimes we tend to fall in the old habits, quite often, due to external pressures put on us. I have been listening to the podcasts of the recommended authors and it has been such a learning experience. Above all, I am very happy that you will hold a talk on Investment. It was time :)

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