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Do you feel trapped in your current job?

Do you need more direction in your career?

Are you looking for a new role that excites you?

Are you passionate about working in a innovative and fast-paced industry?


These are some of the questions I found myself asking before transitioning into the tech industry. I looked around and saw so many people working tirelessly at jobs they hated or working in roles that offered little career progression. Over the years, I’ve been able to carve out a path for myself that’s given me fulfilment, growth and has enabled me to pursue my hobbies and interests.


I was able to make changes in my life through mentoring and coaching. I carefully selected people whose lives inspired me and I allowed myself to learn from their mistakes and right turns. Today, I am truly living my dream because of this, and I have decided to extend this same opportunity to you all.


About Sarah

As a leader in Tech, I have been involved in innovative disruptive technology for 13 years, whilst in Silicon Valley and Europe.


I partner with executives to focus on the company’s growth goals, go-to-market strategy framework, and implement business processes that drive efficiency and performance improvement across multiple operational and financial metrics.


Coaching Offerings 


Carving out your career path one step at a time


  • How to get your first tech role

  • Career matchmaking for different roles in the tech industry

  • Avoiding early pitfalls in tech industry


Nurturing your skills to aid in your career development


  • Career progression in the tech industry

  • Developing a career plan

  • Developing the right skills to get into leadership roles


Understanding the fundamental aspects of the tech industry


  • Negotiating a promotion

  • Networking as a tool in career development

  • Developing the right aptitude for tech roles

Getting Started!

All clients will be given a career questionnaire to complete prior to the initial consultation. This will provide me with an overview of your experience and goals.


Each session is then tailored to meet your specific needs. Through our sessions, you’ll learn about your strengths, core values, and the changes that you need to make in order to a clearer vision for your future.


I prefer to take a practical approach when coaching and will also offer my own experiences as learning points for you to carve out the career that you desire.

What Our Clients Say...


Camille, Tech Sales

I’ve moved to London a year ago. Moving to London has been a dream that I cherished for many years. Originally from a small town in Canada, this dream felt nearly unrealistic at times.

When I finally decided to move to London, I was excited yet paralyzed in fear. Taking this leap of faith also meant to challenge some important limiting beliefs.

That’s when I met Sarah. I first came across her on Instagram. I’ve always been very inspired by Sarah’s journey; she goes through life with so much grace and elegance. Her joy is simply contagious.

As I was in the decision process of moving to London, I had the chance to meet her. With her help and guidance, I was able to get very clear on what I wanted; we set clear goals and intentions. Two weeks later, I managed to get my dream job. I’m so grateful for meeting Sarah. She has been a catalyst for growth in my journey.

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